Learning outcomes to be working towards:
Parts of wholes can be represented by fractions and decimals
Multiplication and division
Area and Perimeter
We will be using Xtramath for math fact practice as it is like digital flashcards. Here is the link https://xtramath.org/#/home/index
We will be using IXL for regular math lessons. I will contact you on Monday with login information. Here is the link https://ca.ixl.com/
Math is really easy and fun to do around your house. You can find the area and perimeter of windows, doors, tables etc., you can measure all sorts of things and baking is measuring too (double a recipe to make it extra fun), play store and have them be the cashier who has to add prices together and make change, make patterns with socks or cutlery or any other objects you can find, go for a walk and count trees, houses, hearts in windows that you see, multiple the number of tiles, bricks, rocks etc.
Hope this helps you integrate math into daily activities :)